Providing bus transportation, nutritious lunches, and a Health Office staffed by a registered nurse
For the convenience of our families, Oasis has contracted with a private bus company to provide transportation services. Busing is a separate fee which is paid directly to the bus company.
The cost and availability of this service varies, depending on how far the student lives from the school campus.
Bus routes are revised annually according to shifts in our student population and are designed to accommodate the transportation needs of our students as efficiently as possible. Additionally, a late bus is available to students at an additional fee to bring them home from extracurricular activities in the afternoons after school.
Each school day, our cafeteria offers nutritious, well-balanced, hot meals prepared by Little Spoon Catering where students can choose between a vegetarian and non-vegetarian menu.
Additionally, located within the Rec Room is a snack shop selling snack and lunch options, beverages, and desserts.
To ensure the health and well-being of our students, the Oasis Health Office is staffed by registered nurses during school hours and extracurricular activities such as school sports events. Our Health Office includes a full-time registered nurse and an additional part-time registered nurse. Oasis Health services provides first aid treatment, limited emergency care, medication administration, and health education.
Equipment includes basic first aid equipment such as bandaids, ice packs, over-the-counter medications for pain, upset stomachs, sore throats, and ace bandages for sprains. Additionally, the office has blood pressure monitoring devices, an oximetry reading device, a stethoscope for identifying irregular heart rhythms and breathing sounds, eye charts for monitoring eye vision (which are performed to all students in the fall of every school year), an AED machine for cardiac attacks, and crutches and a wheelchair.
To contact the Health Office, please reach out to the front desk by email at to receive the direct email and phone numbers of our registered nurses.